It’s our heaviest week! We have the opportunity on going heavy for the day and testing out some new 1RMs!
CNJK – 20 min
5-7 x1 up to a heavy for the day, or a new 1RM!
*don’t be afraid to keep going on the CN or the JK, if you start to fail on one or the other
CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 x 10 (5 Rounds):
station 1) 6-10 DB Devil Cleans
station 2) 2-3 sets of TTB
*goal: try to get to more reps before you go heavier; can go up in weight but not back (unless you’ve gone up in reps)
CONDITIONING (aerobic capacity)
400m Run
16 Weighted Sit Ups (arms overhead) (10/5 lbs)
40/32 Cal Row
8 (Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat) (BW)
12 Ring Rows / 4 Strict Pull Ups
*goal: move at a pace and choose weights that allow you to stay consistent for the entire workout – try to finish a round in roughly the same amount of time every time; heart rate should stay between 65-85%
Choose between:
15 min for a lift/accessory work (you could use this time to do your Strict Press if you want to see where you are)
15 min skill work
15 min mobility
DL 6 sets on a 3:30 INT
90×1, 95×1, 100×1, 55×10, 60×10, 65×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM (same number as last week)
**goal: focusing even more on aggression and confidence for first three sets, and controlling the negative on the last three sets
5 RFT:
45 DU
15 KBS (55/35 lbs)
5 Burpee PU
*goal: sprint effort; start as fast as you can safely go and hang on to that pace as long as possible; it’s okay if you end up slowing down
3 sets:
15 Reverse Lunges e/s
30 Standing Calf Raise (10 toes in, 10 toes out, 10 toes straight)
Vanguard Gym/CrossFit Manassas has NO CLASSES in the evening, in observance of Halloween. Have fun and be safe!
BN 6 sets on a 3:00 INT
90×1, 95×1, 100×1, 55×10, 60×10, 65×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM (same number as last week)
**goal: focusing even more on aggression and confidence for first three sets, and controlling the negative on the last three sets
6 sets on a 3:00 INT
90×1, 95×1, 100×1, 55×10, 60×10, 65×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM (same number as last week)
**goal: focusing even more on aggression and confidence for first three sets, and controlling the negative on the last three sets
3 sets:
15 Lat Pulldown (choose grip)
15 Incline DB BN
3 sets:
15 RDL
15 Glute Bridge -or- Hip Thrust
SN – 20 min
5-7 x1 up to a heavy for the day, or a new 1RM!
CONDITIONING (competition/test)
A+B Partner Workout, AMRAP 20:
A) 500/450m Row
B) 15 WB (20/14 lbs) + 15 Hollow Body Crunches + 10 Push Ups + 10 Pull Ups
When A and B switch, partner coming off of rower picks up right where other partner left off
*goal: break up movements less as workout goes on; row at a pace that allows you to move aggressively through other movements