MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING PR 5 sets on a 2:30 INT 87×1, 91×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10 *use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week CONDITIONING (training) 10 RFT: 2 Wall Walk 4 HGCN (135/95 lbs) 8 Lateral OTB Burpees 16 RKBS (70/55 lbs) *goal: grip management; get faster as workout goes on SUPPLEMENTAL 3 sets: 12 […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING DL 5 sets on a 3:30 INT 85×1, 90×1, 93×1, 55×8, 60×8 *use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week CONDITIONING (training) A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, 12 RFT: 4 PCN (155/105 lbs) 8 TTB 12 Alternating Pistol Squats *goal: start at sprint pace and hang on as long as you can […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN 5 sets on a 2:30 INT 70×1, 75×1, 80×1, 50×6, 55×6 *use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week CONDITIONING (practice) – EMOM for 15 min: min 1) 1-3 Wall Walks min 2) :30 Weighted Plank min 3) 6 Weighted Oblique Crunches e/s *goal: perfect posture on plank SUPPLEMENTAL 2 sets: […]
MONDAY CONDITIONING (aerobic capacity) AMRAP 45: 40/32 Cal Row 5x (inchworm + 2 Push Ups) 20 Walking Lunges (no heavier than 20/15 lbs in each hand) 40 Single Unders *goal: move at pace that allows you to speak but not carry on full conversations; try to keep same pace as last week Friday, and move […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BKSQ -or- FRSQ 5 sets on a 3:00 INT 85×1, 90×1, 90×1, 50×10, 55×10 *use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week CONDITIONING (practice) Every 1:30 x 10 (5 Rounds) “odds”) 1:00 athlete’s choice skill work “evens”) 8-12 Alt Pistol Squats *goal: for skill work, think about something you want to be […]
MONDAY SNOW DAY! Vanguard Gym / Vanguard Gym Strength & Conditioning has NO CLASSES due to inclement weather. Stay safe! TUESDAY WEIGHTLIFTING DL 5 sets on a 3:30 INT 80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 50×8, 55×8 *use conservative, goal 1RM – this may be just 5-10 lbs heavier than last cycle, or you may be […]
Don’t forget about our GOAL-SETTING / COMPETITION CONVERSATION this Friday, January 3rd, at 7:15pm. All disciplines are encouraged to attend! MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN 5 sets on a 2:30 INT 70×3, 70×3, 75×2, 75×2, 80×1 *use conservative, goal 1RM (same weight as last week) CONDITIONING (competition/test) A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, 10 RFT: 25/20 Cal Row […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING PR 5 sets on a 2:30 INT 90×1, 95×1, 100×1, 55×10, 60×10, 65×10 *use conservative, goal 1RM (same weight as last week) CONDITIONING (training) AMRAP 15: 15 WB (20/14 lbs) 10 TTB 50 DU SUPPLEMENTAL 3 sets: 15 DB Iron Cross 15 DB Bicep Curls TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Vanguard Gym / […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING PR 5 sets on a 2:30 INT 92×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10, 65×8 *use conservative, goal 1RM (same weight as last week) CONDITIONING (training) A/B, alternating full rounds, 10 RFT: 5 STO (135/95 lbs) 10 Box Jumps (24/20″) 15 Weighted AbMat Sit Ups (10/5 lbs) *goal: move ask quickly from movement to movement as […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING DL 5 sets on a 3:30 INT 90×1, 93×1, 55×10, 60×8, 65×6 *use conservative, goal 1RM (same weight as last week) CONDITIONING (competition/test) 21-15-9 Pull Ups PCN (135/95 lbs) 42-30-18 AbMat Sit Ups *goal: grip fatigue management; pick weight that allows for smooth cycling, and that you can do at least a set […]