SNOW DAY! Vanguard Gym / Vanguard Gym Strength & Conditioning has NO CLASSES due to inclement weather. Stay safe!
DL 5 sets on a 3:30 INT
80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 50×8, 55×8
*use conservative, goal 1RM – this may be just 5-10 lbs heavier than last cycle, or you may be going off of a new number if you hit a new 1RM two weeks ago
6 Rounds, 1 every 2:30:
30 DU
*goal: at least :30 rest per round (changing weights should not be included); smooth cycling and quick transition from bar to rope; can go up in weight but not back
3 sets:
10 Pendlay Row
10 Reverse Lunge e/s
BN 5 sets on a 3:00 INT
80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 50×8, 55×8
*use conservative, goal 1RM – this may be just 2.5-5 lbs heavier than last cycle, or you may be going off of a new number if you hit a new 1RM two weeks ago
CONDITIONING (practice) EMOM for 15 min:
min 1) :45 BBJO (24/20″)
min 2) 10 Alt DBSN
min 3) 5 Strict Pull Ups / 10 Kipping Pull Ups
*goal: consistent or greater amount of BBJO; can go up in weight on DBSN but not back (no heavier than 50/35 lbs)
3 sets:
10 Cable Flye
10 Cable Tricep Pressdowns
CONDITIONING (aerobic capacity)
40/32 Cal Row
5x (inchworm + 2 Push Ups)
20 Walking Lunges (no heavier than 20/15 lbs in each hand)
40 Single Unders
*goal: move at pace that allows you to speak but not carry on full conversations
Choose between:
15 min lift/accessory work
15 min skillwork
15 min mobility
BKSQ -or- FRSQ 5 sets on a 3:00 INT
80×1, 85×1, 90×1, 50×8, 55×8
*use conservative, goal 1RM – this may be just 5-10 lbs heavier than last cycle, or you may be going off of a new number if you hit a new 1RM two weeks ago
5 RFT:
20 WB (20/14 lbs)
15 RKBS (70/55 lbs)
10 TTB / hanging leg or knee raise
*goal: grip management; break up movements less as workout goes on
3 sets:
10 Standing Leg Abduction e/s
10 Seated Hamstring Curl
Push Press
5×5 building to a moderate set of 5 on a 2:30 INT
*you may not have numbers for this, that’s okay; if you are keeping your back straight and the weight is stable overhead every rep, add some weight
A+B Partner Workout, AMRAP 30:
A) 1000m Row
B) 2 Rds: 6 Thrusters (95/65 lbs) + 6 CTB Pull Ups + 12 AbMat Sit Ups
*goal: consistent or faster pace on rower; rest only when you are done with second round of sit ups; choose most difficult versions of movements you can safely do
SN High Pull + HGSN + OHSQ (3 sec pause at bottom)
5×2 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65% on a 2:30 INT
*use conservative, goal 1RM – this may be just 2.5-5 lbs heavier than last cycle, or you may be going off of a new number if you hit a new 1RM two weeks ago