PR 5 sets on a 2:30 INT
87×1, 91×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week
10 RFT:
2 Wall Walk
4 HGCN (135/95 lbs)
8 Lateral OTB Burpees
16 RKBS (70/55 lbs)
*goal: grip management; get faster as workout goes on
3 sets:
12 SA Cable Lat Raise
12 Lat Pulldown
Vanguard Gym / Vanguard Gym Strength and Conditioning classes are CANCELLED this evening due to winter weather advisory.
DL 5 sets on a 3:30 INT
87×1, 91×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week
CONDITIONING (competition/test)
A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 15:
15/12 Cal Row
12 SA DB HGPCNJK (50/35 lbs)
*goal: consistent, aggressive pace on rower; break other movements up less as workout goes on
3 sets:
12 Pendlay Row
12 Reverse Lunge e/s
CONDITIONING (aerobic capacity)
1000m Row
1:00 (:30/:30) DB Waiter Hold
20 (10/10) SA RKBS (no heavier than 35 lbs)
15 AbMat Sit Ups with arms overhead (can weight if too easy)
*goal: move at pace that allows you to speak but not carry on full conversations; try to keep same pace as last week Friday, and move for longer
Choose between:
15 min lift/accessory work
15 min skillwork
15 min mobility
BN 5 sets on a 3:00 INT
87×1, 91×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week
BKSQ -or- FRSQ 5 sets on a 3:00 INT
87×1, 91×1, 95×1, 55×10, 60×10
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same weight as last week
CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 x 10 (5 Rounds)
“odds”) 1:00 athlete’s choice skill work
“evens”) 16 DB Box Step Ups (24/20″)
*goal: can go up in weight but not back; focus on posture in step ups over weight
3 sets:
12 Cable Flye
12 Cable Tricep Pressdowns
3 sets:
12 Standing Leg Abduction e/s
12 Seated Hamstring Curl
2 SN + OHSQ (3 sec pause at bottom)
3 sets @75% on a 2:30 INT
directly into
2 SN
2 sets at 80% on a 2:30 INT
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same as last week
A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 30,
Partner “Artie”
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
5 Pull Ups
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Police Officer Arthur “Artie” Lopez, 29, of Babylon Village, New York, was killed in the line of duty on Oct. 23, 2012. Officer Lopez, a decorated eight-year veteran of the force, was serving on the Emergency Services Unit at the Nassau County Police Department at the time of his death. He kept himself in peak physical condition for the job as a member of CrossFit Merrick in Bellmore, New York. Fran and Cindy were among his favorite workouts. He is survived by his sister, Charo; and parents, Alfonso and Mirella.
2 CN + JK (3 sec pause in split)
3 sets @75% on a 2:30 INT
directly into
2 sets at 80% on a 2:30 INT
*use conservative, goal 1RM, same as last week