MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING 3 Pos SN (high hang, knees, floor) 5×1 @60, 60, 60, 65, 65% on a 2:00 INT *Use conservative, goal 1RM. If two weeks ago, you set a new 1RM of 150 lbs, add 2.5-5 lbs. So your new training max (TM) would be 152.5 or 155 lbs. CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BKSQ 5@40, 5@50, 5@60% on a 2:30 INT *if you set a new 1RM last week, still go off of your previous training max from last cycle, not your new 1RM CONDITIONING (competition/test) A+B Partner Workout, AMRAP 20: A) 40/32 Cal Row B) 5 HGPCN (115/85 lbs) + 10 OTB Burpees *goal: consistent […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN 5-7×1 up to a heavy for the day – 15 minutes *goal: heavier than AMrAP last week or new 1RM CONDITIONING (training) A+B Partner Workout, AMRAP 16: A) 200m Run B) 6 HSPU + 8 TTB + 12 Alt Lunge *goal: can wear vest if you are planning to for “Murph”; break […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING CNJK 5×1 up to a heavy for the day on a 2:30 INT *goal: match or heavier than last week CONDITIONING (practice) – every 1:30 x 10 (5 Rds of everything) “odds”) 1:00 athlete’s choice skill work “evens”) 12 Alt SA DB/KB OH Lunge (switch arms after 6) *goal: can go up in […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING DL 3@70, 3@80, AMrAP@90% on a 3:30 INT *use same training max as last week CONDITIONING (training) 4 cycles of 5:00: 400m Run -then, in remaining time, AMRAP of: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Rest 1:00 between each cycle. For each cycle, pick up the AMRAP where you left […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING PR 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP@85% on a 2:30 INT *add 2.5-5 lbs to training max from last week CONDITIONING (training) – EMOM 20: min 1) :20 RKBS (55/35 lbs) min 2) :20 Burpees min 3) :20 Cal Row min 4) :20 Jump Rope – can be DU or SU, just needs to be something […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING SN 2×2@75% 2×1@80% on a 2:30 INT *use same training max as last week CONDITIONING (training) 5 Rds, 1 every 3:00: 30 DU 14 Alt DBSN (50/35 lbs) / 14 (7/7) SA DB PP (if hands are tore up from 24.3) 10 Weighted Sit Ups (ideally behind head) *goal: at least 1:00 rest […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BKSQ 5@75, 3@85, AMrAP@95% on a 3:00 INT *use same training max as last week CONDITIONING (training) A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 16: 25 AbMat Sit Ups 20 RKBS (70/55 lbs) 16 WB (20/14 lbs) 12 Alt Reverse Lunges (weighted) 10 Push Ups *goal: keep pace high while it’s your turn to […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BKSQ 3@70, 3@80, AMrAP@90% on a 3:00 INT *add 5-10 lbs to training max from two weeks ago CONDITIONING (training) A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 16: 24 Alt Russian Twists (45/35 lbs) 20 RKBS (70/55 lbs) 16 WB (20/14 lbs) 12 Alt Pistols 8 Pull Ups *goal: keep pace high while it’s […]
MONDAY WEIGHTLIFTING BN 5@65, 5@75, AMrAP@85% on a 3:00 INT *add 2.5-5 lbs to training max from last week CONDITIONING (training) A/B Partner Workout, alternating movements, AMRAP 16: 24 AbMat Sit Ups 20/16 Cal Row 16 SA DB Front Squat (50/35 lbs) 12 SA Alt Reverse Lunges (50/35 lbs) 8 HSPU *goal: keep pace high […]